It's hard to believe Simply Stated has been around for 6 years now! Man, the changes we have made, obstacles overcome, trials and errors, and overall growth we've seen.
We started with buying 4 lbs of baking soda to a couple 12 lb bags to now ordering 300 lbs at a time just to keep up with bath bomb and shower steamer production. Let's not talk about the ridiculous amount of glitter we used to use in bath bombs! I am still apologizing to everyone who bought those early bath bombs LOL
We've gone from a small shelf of ingredients and packaging to an entire bedroom and half a basement filled with ingredients, packaging, shelves, molds, gift baskets and more.
In 2015 we were solely selling by word of mouth from coworkers. Now we're a LLC, have the website, email lists, craft shows and virtual events throughout the year, and multiple wholesale accounts.
We started with no knowledge aside from recipes on Pinterest, simply to have as a hobby for us since we both have a love of crafting. Years later, we've attended numerous conferences and trainings to learn more and ensure we're following FDA guidelines, proper usage rates according to IFRA, and so much more.
All of this, we owe to YOU, our loyal customers, who keep us inspired to keep making and getting better!
Before we reveal our new brand, let's take a trip down memory lane!
2014/2015...playing around with recipes in the kitchen. At this time we were only using cheapy essential oils *insert face palm here*